Investment Outlook 2024: Going for (structural) growth

07 December 2023

What is our outlook for global growth? What structural growth themes are in focus? And how will this impact portfolio construction? In our 2024 Investment Outlook, our experts present the key themes shaping the global economy in 2024 alongside detailed asset-class outlooks in equities and fixed income.

In our 2024 Investment Outlook publication:

  •  Joe Prendergast, Head of Investment Strategy, explains why structural trends and higher yields will support portfolio returns in the year ahead.
  • Chief Economist Dermot O’Leary outlines why policy development is key in 2024.
  • Bernard Swords, Chief Investment Officer, explores the key structural growth opportunities in 2024. He also presents our indicative expected returns for global equity markets by sector.
  • Head of Fixed Income Strategy Elizabeth Geoghegan explains why 2024 marks a turning point for bond returns.
  • Sarah Quirke, Head of Investment Solutions, examines how we fit structural themes into portfolios.

Read the full Investment Outlook publication below or click here to view it in your browser.

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