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With uncertainty comes opportunity: Corporate Advisory Newsletter, Q3 2022

18 August 2022

In our Q3 2022 Corporate Advisory Newsletter, Finbarr Griffin, Head of Corporate Advisory, reflects on a turbulent first half of 2022 amid the protracted war in Ukraine, record high inflation and heightened market volatility.  

Not unexpectedly, this translated into lower volumes of IPO and M&A market activity in the UK and Ireland, as negative market sentiment and increased costs have impacted the timing of companies’ investment decisions and potentially delay investment plans. Meanwhile, a recent Bloomberg survey signalled a 45% chance of a recession in the next year – up from 30% just a month ago.

However, against this backdrop of uncertainty lies opportunity. “While some companies will pause M&A activity in the short term to focus on the potential impact of a recession on their business, companies with strong corporate balance sheets will seek to capitalise on opportunities for inorganic growth as valuations decline. In addition, private equity firms with record levels of dry powder with which to buy companies will also continue on the hunt for opportunities in the near-term,” Griffin explains.

Other highlights in this edition include:  

  • H1 2022 Capital Monitor: we present our analysis of follow-on issues on the London Stock Exchange Main Market and Alternative Investment Market for the first six months of the year.
  • Our Q2 2022 transaction highlights
  • A Q&A with Adam Barker, Healthcare Equity Analyst, where he presents his views on the key themes shaping the pharma sector and drug pricing reform in the US

To dive into the details, read the full newsletter below or click here to view the report in your browser.

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